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Writing, friends, family and more...

Dasia Zanders

Though writing is a huge part of my day to day life there is a lot more involved with my work and my life. I spend a great deal of my time with my family and my close friends who've become like brothers and sisters to me. Often I'm hanging out at theme parks especially Universal since its one of my favorite parks! I do however love going to pet stingrays at Sea World since they are one of my absolute favorite animals. When staying in for the day with the people I love we enjoy the more simple pleasures. We talk about books we've read or are currently reading, we love to attempt baking even though it's my best friend Belma who is the real talented one at it and we talk about anything and everything going on in our lives. It's the conversations and new adventures that capture my heart most and it's been an honor to have such incredible people involved in the journey with me. Part of my way of giving back to them is by writing characters and storylines that allows me to share them with other people and also bring awareness to various issues and topics that matter to not only them and myself but to other people around the world.

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