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Where I Disappeared To

Dasia Zanders

The last time I posted on here was in December.

It's July now.

I apologize!

These last seven months I have been busy, but I have wonderful news to share! I have finally completed the third and final book to the series. It was a bittersweet feeling typing the final chapter to the series that I've dedicated a few years of my life writing, rewriting, criticizing, and embracing. I'm pleased with the way the last book has turned out and I can't wait to release the cover and title to everyone within another month or two. I'm hoping everyone will love the final book and be satisfied with the endings of each character. The book will be out in October and I look forward to hearing feedback and seeing what everyone loved about it as well as seeing what everyone may not have loved!

Now that I have finished the third book, I am moving forward with a new project. I will always love writing fantasy novels, they allow an outlet for imagination and can be used to teach such valuable life lessons to everyone willing to give them a chance. However, the new novel I am currently writing and putting my energy into is not a fantasy novel. I am trying out my skills at writing a story grounded in reality in hopes that it will bring more attention on the importance of trying to communicate with people, having patience with others, and how being a good person can really make a difference in the world even if it's only in one person's life.

I hope anyone reading this has a lovely weekend and I will be uploading more!


Dasia Z.

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