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New Blog Idea!

Dasia Zanders

If you saw my last post, it was all about how music has helped influence my writing. So I thought of making a post on nights where a certain song is helping me get in the mood of my characters or a specific moment I'm trying to create. I figured maybe it would benefit everyone and be fun, anyone reading can get a good idea of what I do when I write while also getting an idea of the different types of music I enjoy and if you don't know the songs already maybe you can find one that you like. I don't know if that would interest anyone, but I'm willing to give it a try.

Tonight the song that I've played so many times to help feel out one of my characters is You and I (Stripped Version) by PVRIS. The lyrics are so beautiful even if they are sad, but I feel like the sound and words of the song are perfect for the current state of mind one of my new main characters is in. When I heard this song I automatically thought of the character I'm working on, there's so much going on inside of her head and inside of the mind of her potential love interest that could really make them or break them. I don't want to give away too much about either character, but I will say that there is a common ground that they share that requires them to meet each other half way in order to peacefully become companions. There's a sort of sad beauty with these two and this particular song really reflects that soft, melancholy, and yet beautiful chemistry I envision for them.

Well, since it's two o'clock in the morning, I think I will go off now to write for another twenty or thirty minutes before I go to bed. I hope you enjoy this new little post I'll be doing some nights. Wherever you are in the world I hope you have an amazing night or day!

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